Rav Shmuel Haber, Rosh Hayeshiva
Rav Avraham Kurzweil, Rosh Hayeshiva
Rav Yitzchak Halevi, Rav of Karnei Shomron and Rosh Kollel
Lior Lifshitz, Director
Please feel free to contact us by mail at P.O.B. 13005 Karnei Shomron, Israel
E-mail hesderks@zahav.net.il , phone (09) 792 9145 or fax (09) 792 9601.
Contributions to Yeshivat Hesder Karnei Shomron are needed and most welcome. They are tax-deductible in Israel. For U.S. tax deduction please send gifts through P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc. Checks should be made out to P.E.F. with a note that they are for Yeshivat Hesder Karnei Shomron, and mailed to P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc. 317 Madison Avenue, Suite 607, New York, NY 10017. In Canada they should be sent through Mizrachi Organization of Canada.